Page 31 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 31

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP

            Fresh fruit bunches (FFB), the raw material for the   Traceability of Supplying Palm Oil Mills
            production of CPO and PK, come from oil palm   [103-1,103-2, 103-3]
            plantations, which include third-party commercial
            estates as well as independent and associated   Palm oil traceability can be complex as it involves
            smallholder farmers. Dealers or brokers who buy   multiple players from growers, mills, to traders.
            FFB from a variety of sources also form part of the   Nevertheless, Apical remains committed to
            supply chain.                              ensuring sustainability in the entire supply chain,
                                                       from cultivation to consumption.
            Apical’s Sourcing Policy                   With increased traceability, we are able to identify
            [308-1, 414-1]                             and engage with high-risk suppliers to support
                                                       the improvement of their practices. We will cease
            Apical’s  Sourcing  Policy  was  developed   working with suppliers if they do not comply with
            in 2015, to support our Sustainability Policy   our requirements.
            and commitments to building a traceable and
            transparent palm oil supply chain. The sourcing
            policy includes the following:

                    No deforestation of high
                    conservation value (HCV) lands and
                    high carbon stock (HCS) areas

                    Protection of new peat areas,
                    regardless of depth

                    Drive positive socio-economy
                    impact for people and local        Traceability to Mill
                                                       A majority of our supplying mills are located within
                                                       the  provinces  of  Riau,  North  Sumatera,  Jambi,
                                                       and Kalimantan. This includes our major long-term
            Suppliers found to have violated our Sustainability   supplier  Asian  Agri.  About  99.6%  of  our  palm  oil
            and/or Sourcing Policy, either by Apical’s Grievance   products are sourced directly from supplying mills.
            Secretariat’s (GSR) grievance alerts and monitoring   Only  0.4% of  our palm  oil products  are  sourced
            system or whistle-blowers, will be handled through   from a trading company.
            our grievance procedures.
                                                       For supplying mills to be traceable, they are
                                                       required to provide accurate information on the
                                                       GPS coordinates of the mill’s location, the name
                                                       of the company and mill, and specific address.
                                                       The  information  is  verified  by  our  sustainability
                                                       consultants CORE (Proforest & Daemeter), using an
                                                       updated master database.

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