Page 26 - APICAL_SR2020
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SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06
                                                                        Our Commitments and Progress

          AND PROGRESS

          103-2, 103-3

           Sustainability Issues  2019 Commitment(s)  Progress in 2020  Future Targets
           High Priority Issues

           Emissions reduction   •  Establish an emissions   •  Replaced the use of coal   •  To explore opportunities
                               baseline for our operations   with palm kernel shells as   where Apical can reduce
                               in 2020               fuel for boiler at our AATJB   GHG emissions as part
                              •  Continue to engage our   refinery        of the development of
                               suppliers on reducing their   •  Continued to support   APICAL2030, a 10-year
                               greenhouse gas (GHG)   suppliers on reducing GHG   sustainability commitment
                               emissions             emissions through training
                                                     on the process and benefits
                                                     of getting the ISCC
           Grievance handling   •  Strengthen internal   •  Six grievances raised   •  Continue to address
                               monitoring on potential   against our suppliers   grievances in a timely
                               grievances within     relating to sourcing from   manner in accordance
                               our supply chain and   protected areas and   with our robust grievance
                               proactively address or   clearing of forest, of which   procedure
                               resolve all potential issues  2 have been resolved and
           Product quality    •  Maintain zero incidences   •  No incidences of    •  Maintain zero incidences
           and safety          of non-compliance with   non-compliance with   of non-compliance with
                               regulations concerning the   regulations and voluntary   regulations concerning the
                               health and safety of our   codes concerning the   health and safety of our
                               products              health and safety impacts   products (ongoing)
                              •  Implement laboratory   of our products
                               information management
                               system (LIMS)
           Protection of forests    •  Continue to work with our   •  Continued to engage with   •  Continue to work with our
           and biodiversity    suppliers to ensure no   our suppliers to protect   suppliers to ensure no
                               deforestation within our   HCV, HCS and peat areas  deforestation within our
                               supply chain                               supply chain (ongoing)
                              •  Continue to work with our              •  Continue to work with
                               suppliers to ensure no new                 our suppliers to ensure
                               development on peat, as                    no new development on
                               well as proper management                  peat, as well as proper
                               of planted peat areas                      management of developed
                                                                          peat areas (ongoing)

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