Page 21 - APICAL_SR2020
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07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP

                Partnership, Memberships and Certification
                102-12, 102-13
                Sustainability issues within the palm oil sector   with the aim to build collaborations, align efforts
                are complex and cannot be solved by one   and help create an industry-wide solution
                company alone. Achieving our sustainability   for palm oil traceability and sustainability.
                goals requires collaboration with not just our   For more information on SUSTAIN, please
                supply chain partners, but also across other   refer to the section on Working with Suppliers
                stakeholder groups.                    and Smallholders.
                Since November 2017, Apical has been a   We continue to play an active role in
                partner of the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020   certification and membership organisations,
                (TFA 2020). TFA 2020 is a global public-private   such as the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm
                partnership that brings together governments,   Oil (RSPO) – including the RSPO P&C Review
                private sector, and civil society organisations   Taskforce and the RSPO Indonesia National
                to exchange knowledge, expertise and best   Interpretation Working Group, the International
                practice on forest and ecosystem conservation.   Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC),
                                                       and the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO).
                In September 2018, Apical co-founded   We also contribute to standard revisions at
                the Sustainability Assurance & Innovation   industry level and at the same time, interact
                Alliance (SUSTAIN) with a group of companies   with and benchmark against fellow members
                comprising oil palm growers, consumer goods   to keep ourselves abreast with emerging trends
                manufacturers, not-for-profit organisations and   and new standards.
                technology leaders. SUSTAIN was founded

                 Apical Sustainability team continuously engage with our suppliers to understand challenges and issues on the ground

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