Page 22 - APICAL_SR2020
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SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06
                                                                    Our Approach to Sustainability

          OUR APPROACH

          Supporting the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs)
          The  ongoing   COVID-19   pandemic  has   Core Goals
          further emphasised the need for sustainable
          development. Introduced in 2015, the UN SDGs
          provides a shared blueprint for governments,
          businesses and society to tackle the world’s
          most  pressing  challenges  by  2030.  In  2019,
          we conducted a  prioritisation  exercise to   Catalytic Goals
          identify the SDGs, which we are able to best
          support and advance. We prioritised six SDGs
          and further categorised them into  core and
          catalytic  goals.  Core  goals  are  those  that  have
          the strongest alignment with the company’s
          operations  and  sustainability  commitments,   While we have identified six priority goals,
          while catalytic goals are those where Apical    we recognise that all 17 SDGs are interconnected
          believes we can make a positive impact.   and we may indirectly support the other goals
                                                    through our activities. Our APICAL2030 plan,
                                                    which is currently in development aims to
                                                    strengthen our commitment towards realising
                                                    the SDGs through measurable targets and action

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