Page 27 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 27

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP

             Sustainability Issues  2019 Commitment(s)  Progress in 2020   Future Targets
             High Priority Issues (cont’d)

             Rights of indigenous    •  Strengthen the social   •  Updating of Apical’s   •  Finalise the update of
             and local communities   requirements for our supply   Sustainability Policy is   our Sustainability Policy
                                  chain in our policy  under way             to strengthen social
                                                      •  No incidents involving   requirements within our
                                                       the rights of indigenous   supply chain
                                                       peoples at our sites or
                                                       related to our suppliers
             Supplier Engagement,   •  Continue to engage   •  Engaged with 14 mills   •  Continue to engage
             including smallholder   suppliers through our   through our Collaborative   suppliers constructively
             development          Anchor Programmes    Action through Remote   to progress traceability
                                                       Engagement (CARE)     efforts and ensure policy
                                                       initiative, which serves as   compliance
                                                       a temporary replacement   •  Engage with 5,000
                                                       for our Priority Supplier   smallholders through
                                                       Engagement Programme   SMILE programme
                                                      •  Engaged with 451
                                                       supplying mills through
                                                       our Traceability Outreach
                                                       Programme (TOP)
                                                      •  Organised two virtual
                                                       Shared Value Programme
                                                       (SVP) workshops attended
                                                       by 184 suppliers
                                                      •  Launched a new
                                                       SMallholder Inclusion
                                                       for better Livelihood &
                                                       Empowerment (SMILE)
                                                       programme which is
                                                       currently in planning stage

             Traceability       •  Maintain full traceability to   •  Maintained 100%   •  Maintain full traceability to
                                  palm oil mills       traceability to the supplying   palm oil mills (ongoing)
                                •  Achieve 100% traceability   mills       •  Achieve 100% traceability
                                  to plantations by 2020  •  Achieved 99.28%   to plantations by 2022
                                                       traceability to plantation
                                                       (TTP) for three of our
                                                      •  Achieved 98.83% TTP for
                                                       new CPKO suppliers for
                                                       four of our facilities
             Worker’s health, safety    •  Maintain zero work-related   •  Maintained zero work   •  Maintain zero work-related
             and well-being       fatalities           related fatalities since 2016   fatalities (ongoing)

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