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SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06
                                                                        Our Commitments and Progress

          AND PROGRESS

           Sustainability Issues  2019 Commitment(s)  Progress in 2020  Future Targets
           Moderate Priority

           Climate Action     •  Continue to explore   •  Strengthened our   •  Continue to explore
                               opportunities to build   commitment to mitigate the   opportunities to build
                               business and community   effects of climate change   business and community
                               resilience against the   taking into consideration   resilience against the
                               impacts of climate change  expanding the Mangrove   impacts of climate change
                                                     programme to peatlands in
                                                     the future
           Community livelihood    •  Continue to invest in   •  Continued to conduct skills   •  Continue to invest in
           and empowerment     community infrastructure  training programme to help   community infrastructure
                              •  Continue to run community   the communities diversify   (ongoing)
                               programmes (e.g. helping   their source of income (e.g.   •  Continue to run
                               villages diversify their   goat farming, onion and   community programmes
                               sources of income)    chilli growing)      to improve livelihoods
                                                   •  Continued with the Rumah   (ongoing)
                                                     Pintar project, training
                                                     women to be entrepreneurs
                                                   •  Invested in infrastructure
                                                     projects (e.g. road repair
                                                     and maintenance)
           Employee wages     •  Continue to comply   •  Ensured all employees of   •  Continue to comply
           and benefits        with the minimum wage   Apical received wages that   with the minimum wage
                               regulations in each country   are equal to or above the   regulations in each country
                               where we operate in   minimum requirements   where we operate in
                                                     set by the respective local   (ongoing)
           Fire prevention    •  Continue to assess   •  Continued to evaluate   •  Continue to assess
           and management      suppliers’ risk to fire   new suppliers on potential   suppliers’ risk to fire
                               incidences and engage   risks of fire incidences   incidences and engage
                               them on fire prevention   adjacent to the mills, as   them on fire prevention
                               efforts               well as assess their level of   efforts (ongoing)
                                                     preparedness in case of a
                                                     fire incidence
                                                   •  Supported our key supplier
                                                     Asian Agri in their Fire Free
                                                     Village Program (FFVP)
                                                     engagement with 16
                                                     villages – 9 in Riau and 7
                                                     in Jambi - covering about
                                                     343,000 hectares
           Governance and     •  Continue to embed   •  No incidences of corruption   •  Continue to embed
           business ethics     TOPICC in our People   reported            TOPICC in our People
                               Manager Workshops in                       Manager Workshops on a
                               2020                                       year-by-year basis

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