Page 33 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 33

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP

            To help us achieve our TTP target, we have developed a methodology with Earthworm Foundation and
            initiated our Traceability Outreach Programme (TOP), targeting all suppliers, especially in Riau, Jambi,
            North Sumatra and Kalimantan. More information can be found in the Engagement Through Our Anchor
            Programmes section of this report.

                                             TTP Progress

                  27%                51.6%                75.8%               95.1%
                  in 2016              in 2017             in 2018             in 2019

                            2020 | CPO suppliers
                                                                    2020 | CPKO suppliers
                      Existing                  New
                   99.28%                   98.83%                      92.49%
                  for three refineries      for four refineries         for four refineries
                   and/or facilities        and/or facilities

                                                  i.  For reporting year 2016-2019, our TTP percentage combine data
                                                    for both new and existing suppliers.
                                                  ii.  For reporting year 2020, we seperated our TTP percentage into two
                                                    categories, which are new and existing suppliers. The split is for tracking
                                                    purposes to help Apical ensure that all existing suppliers commit to a
                                                    traceable and transparent supply chain as outlined in our Sustainability
                                                    Policy while new suppliers abide by a time-bound commitment.

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