Page 37 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 37

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP

            Since the launch of the SVP in 2015, industry   Suppliers Self-Assessment (SFA)
            subject matter experts from RSPO, Earthworm
            Foundation, Proforest, Daemeter, ISPO and Setara   To support our suppliers in assessing their
            Jambi have delivered talks and shared knowledge   operations’  compliance  with  our  NDPE
            with the participants.  Besides  these sharing   commitments, as well as ensuring risks within our
            sessions, this programme also facilitates active   supply chain are identified, Apical developed the
            discussions among participants enabling them   SFA tool in 2019.
            to take ownership of some of the solutions they
            proposed.                                  The tool proved particularly useful during the
                                                       COVID-19 pandemic as it allowed us to engage our
            In 2020, we held two virtual workshops     suppliers through a self-completed questionnaire
            (e-SVP) in light of in-person meeting restrictions.   that served to identify gaps in supplier practices
            The first e-SVP held in July 2020 was catered to   against our Sustainability Policy commitments
            kernel crushing plant.  Issues covered included   and  other relevant  requirements such  as ethical
            sustainability requirements in the global market,   conduct, corruption and fraud. Apical will engage
            TTP, and other sustainability concerns in Indonesia.   suppliers with identified  gaps via our PSEP,
            The second virtual workshop was held in    CARE and SVP/e-SVP. For our bio-oils refinery
            November 2020 for refineries covering HCV and   in  Spain,  all  suppliers  are  required  to  provide
            HCS management, as well as fair employment   sustainability certifications or comply with ISCC
            of temporary workers. A total of 184 suppliers   requirements.
            attended both e-SVP sessions.              366
            346                                          suppliers have performed self-assessment verification

              mills engaged through SVP and e-SVP        using the SFA questionnaire as at end 2020
              as at end 2020

                                                                 Our visit to suppliers in 2019. We have moved to
                                                                 virtual engagement since 2020 due to COVID-19

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