Page 42 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 42

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06


          Water Management
          103-2, 103-3, 303-1, 303-2
          Apical is committed to using water efficiently and reducing the need to withdraw freshwater where possible.
          We withdraw water for use in our processing facilities from sources including the sea, rivers and municipal
          supplies. We evaluate the possibility of water-related impacts as part of our environmental impact assessment
          prior to the development of our refineries.

          Water Withdrawal by Source (Megalitres)

                                                                    Freshwater     Other Water
                                                                   (<1000mg/L     (>1000mg/L
                                                                 Total Dissolved   Total Dissolved
                                                                       Solids)        Solids)
          Surface water                                               1,092.5             0
          Groundwater                                                   465.6             0
          Seawater                                                      860.0        6,322.4
          Produced water                                                47.09             0
          Third-party water                                             505.3             0
          Total                                                       2,970.5        6,322.4
          i.  Apical does not withdraw water from water-stressed areas.
          ii.  Data coverage for 2020 includes all our facilities except for AKC.
          Water Consumption (Megalitres)
          Processing Facility              2017           2018           2019           2020
          SDS                             484.5          583.9        2,105.7        2,380.7
          KRN                                NA          510.8          569.2          192.2
          Marunda                         281.3          292.4          360.0          367.5
          AAJTB                              NA          102.0           94.8           58.8
          PRC                                NA            NA             NA            67.9
          Excelic                          34.3           43.6           53.0           51.1
          Bio-Oils                        250.9          272.3          297.8          308.7
          Total                          1,051.0        1,805.0       1,374.8        3,426.9
          i. Data for water consumption are obtained from flowmeters.
          ii. Data coverage for 2020 includes all our facilities. Data for SDS covers the whole complex, which includes SDS refinery, CEP, and AKC.

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