Page 40 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 40

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06


          103-1, 307-1

                                              We manage our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
             As Apical’s activities           and water consumption every year through various
             are primarily in palm            initiatives. Our facilities also responsibly manage effluent
             oil processing, we               discharge and waste, and conduct regular monitoring to
                                              ensure compliance  with  the  local  laws and  regulations.
             remain committed to              In addition to reducing our direct environmental impact,
             sustainably managing             we  also  work  with  our  suppliers  to  ensure  they  adopt
             natural resources and            responsible practices. In 2020, we had no significant fines
             mitigating the impact of         and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance  with
                                              environmental regulations.
             our operations on our

           Managing Our Environmental Footprint     it reduced our carbon footprint significantly,
                                                    thereby supporting Apical’s drive towards
           GHG Emissions                            sustainable growth.
           103-1, 103-2, 103-3
                                                    The increase in Scope 1 and 2 emissions in
           Apical is committed to doing our part by   2020  is  due  to  the  expansion  of  our  facilities
           progressively reducing our GHG emissions.     and data inclusion of additional refineries,
           As part of the development of our APICAL2030   where available. Overall, our emissions intensity
           framework, we will be looking to evaluate and   improved by 9.6% compared to 2019. Apart
           ensure the resilience of our business and the   from our own operations, we also support our
           communities against the impact of climate   suppliers  on reducing  their GHG emissions.
           change.                                  This is mainly through educating them on

           We aim to improve the energy efficiency within   the process and benefits  of getting ISCC
           our operations through our “Kaizen” initiative,    certification for their operations.
           or continuous improvement projects. Improving   Future plans on reducing our GHG emissions
           our energy efficiency will result in GHG emissions   will be outlined in our APICAL2030 framework
           reduction and cost savings. For example,    which is in development.
           our Tanjung Balai refinery in Indonesia replaced
           the use of coal with palm kernel shells as fuel for
           the boiler, reducing GHG emissions and waste
           generated. From mid-2020, our Marunda refinery
           started partially substituting  coal with spent
           earth to generate process steam. Through this
           move, the refinery reduced coal consumption
           by approximately eight  metric tonne/day  and

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