Page 43 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 43

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
             Environmental Management

            Water Consumption Intensity (m  of water per tonne of oil processed)
             Processing Facility              2017           2018           2019          2020
             SDS                              0.51           0.24           0.46          0.10
             KRN                               NA            0.38           0.59          0.28
             Marunda                          0.45           0.31           0.51          0.45
             CEP                               NA             NA             NA           0.40
             AAJTB                             NA            1.09           1.09       0.00067
             PRC                               NA             NA             NA           0.39
             AKC                               NA             NA             NA           1.50
             Excelic                          1.19           0.90           0.53           0.5
             Bio-Oils                         1.03           0.94           0.97          1.14
            i.  Data for water consumption are obtained from flowmeters.
            ii.  Data coverage for 2020 includes all our facilities.
            iii. There was about 17.5% increase in water consumption intensity in Bio-Oils due to increased processing in waste raw materials,
              tank repair and installation of hydraulic proofs in the facility.
            We continue to practice zero wastewater discharge at four of our refineries: AAJTB, KRN, AAJ Marunda
            and Bio-oils. Wastewater at these sites is treated and reused for our cooling towers, fire hydrants,
            or domestic purposes such as cleaning. Our refineries use the activated sludge process to treat effluent water,
            which includes the utilisation of microorganisms as well as chemicals such as coagulants, flocculants,
            caustic soda and bioxide.

            If not adequately treated, the discharge of wastewater impact the water quality of the receiving waterbody.
            Where discharge is necessary, we ensure the quality of the effluent water meets the local regulatory standard.
            Where our refineries are located next to rivers, we monitor the quality of the river water to ensure that there
            is no negative impact from our operations.

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