Page 45 - APICAL_SR2020
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07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
             Environmental Management

            Working With Suppliers on Environmental Conservation

            Protecting Forests and Biodiversity        Introduced in 2019, our SFA helps suppliers
            103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 304-2                 assess their own operations’ compliance with
                                                       our commitments to NDPE. We will work with
            Apical does not own any plantations but recognises   suppliers  found  in  breach  of our  policy  through
            the risks of deforestation and loss of biodiversity   the implementation of corrective action plans.
            associated with our upstream supply chain if   Should these suppliers fail to comply or implement
            monitoring and  control mechanisms  are not  in   corrective action plans, we will take additional
            place. We are committed to protecting HCV,    measures and where necessary, review our
            HCS and peatlands, and work with our suppliers     business relationship.
            to meet local, international and our own
            sustainability standards. We do not knowingly   For more information on our supplier engagement
            source   from  suppliers  associated  with   programmes, see section on Working with
            deforestation of protected areas.          Suppliers.
            Through the spatial analysis of our MPP, Apical   Where applicable, we support conservation efforts
            assesses all new mills in our supply chain for   relating to biodiversity, riparian zones (areas
            potential risks, including deforestation and   bordering rivers and other bodies of surface water)
            encroachment.  These  suppliers  have  to provide   and HCV areas. This aligns with RSPO Principles &
            relevant environmental legal documents. We then   Criteria 5.2 and 7.3.
            prioritise mills, which are identified as high-risk
            for further ground assessments through our PSEP.  We are committed to controlling any illegal or
                                                       inappropriate hunting of all species across all
            During our PSEP visits, we work with suppliers to   our operation areas, including rare or threatened
            identify, manage and monitor significant biological,   species listed under the IUCN Red List and
            ecological, social or cultural  values through the   Indonesia’s  National  Law  of Protected  Species.
            HCV Approach and geospatial analysis.  We also   Only hunting by local communities for subsistence
            work  with  our  suppliers  to  adopt  a  credible  HCS   that does not cause a decline in the population of
            identification procedure by subscribing to the   local species is allowed. These requirements also
            HCS Approach based on field trials and scientist   apply to our suppliers.

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