Page 47 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 47

07  08 08  09 09  10 10  11 11  12 12  13 13                        APICAL GROUP
             Environmental Management

            Fire Prevention and Management
            103-1, 103-2, 103-3
            The clearing of land for agriculture purposes through open burning
            releases GHGs, contributing to climate change and transboundary
            haze in the region. Apical is committed to the strict enforcement of
            a “zero burn policy” which applies to all our suppliers. While larger
            plantations are able to use alternative methods of land clearing for their
            new plantings and replanting, smallholders are often unable to do the
            same due to financial constraints. Open burning is also seen by some
            smallholders as a means to improve soil fertility and reduce the need
            for fertilisers.

            Fires that are started  during dry season  can spread to adjacent
            plantations by wind or underground burning when the water table
            is low. It is therefore important to assist and raise awareness among
            smallholders  on the  practice  of  zero  burning.  Apical  published  a
            guidance  on  our  website  to  support  our  suppliers  on  prevention,
            early detection and control of open burning in oil palm plantations.
            Within our own refineries, we require health and safety managers to
            organise regular fire prevention trainings.
            In 2020, we supported our key supplier Asian Agri in their Fire Free
            Village Program (FFVP) engagement with 16 villages – 9 in Riau and
            7 in Jambi - covering about 343,000 hectares. The FFVP’s purpose
            was to raise awareness on fire prevention and management.
            We will continue to identify opportunities to collaborate with suppliers,
            neighbouring companies, relevant governmental bodies and local
            communities on fire prevention.

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