Page 52 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 52

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06


          Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was difficult    Health, Safety and Well-being
          to  conduct  face-to-face  training.  However,    403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7
          we were able to tap on our Workday Learning
          online platform, conduct virtual training sessions for   Protecting the health and safety of our
          SDS and KRN.                                      employees remains a top priority for us.
                                                            We implemented an Occupational Health
                                                            and  Safety  (OHS)  management  system,
                                                            aimed at minimising risks and ensuring a
            Average Hours of Training per Year per Employee   safe and healthy workplace. For facilities in
            by Gender and Employee Category                 Indonesia,  the  OHS  management  system
                                                            is rolled out in accordance with its national
            ■  Male     ■  Female
                                                            regulation No 50 Year (2012) and it covers
                        Facilities in Indonesia
                                                            all our workers, activities and workplaces.
              2.22  1.57  0.83  1.42  2.14  2.75  1.76  3.40  The OHS system in other facilities in Spain
                                                            and China are implemented in accordance
                                                            with local regulations.
                                                            In Indonesia, licensed personnel are
                       Excelic Refinery (China)             appointed to conduct hazard identification,
              0.74  0.61  0.81  1.00  0.75  1.13  0  0      risk assessment and risk control (HIRARC)
                                                            for all our  refineries and processing plants
                                                            annually and as needed. These licensed
                                                            personnel have undergone the nationally
                                                            recognised  OHS Expert  Training course.
                                                            The results of HIRARC are used to identify
                         Facilities in Spain
                                                            measures  to  minimise  potential  risks  from
              5.67  5.67  9.67  6.30  12.69  5.17  0  1.5
                                                            occurring in the workplace.
                                                            We also provide our employees with the
                                                            appropriate Personal Protective Equipment
                                                            (PPE) for the activities they are undertaking.
                    Kuala Lumpur Office (Malaysia)          Only authorised personnel who are certified
              0.84  0.84  1.00  0.76  0.66  1.00  1.00  0.54  as physically fit are allowed to operate
                                                            machinery  and  harmful  chemicals  within
                                                            our facilities. All  employees in  Indonesia
                                                            are required to undergo safety briefings
                                                            and OHS trainings including first aid and
             Non-Executive  Management  Management  Management  firefighting.
                                                            Health and safety information is also
                                                            communicated to workers using several
                                                            channels,  such  as  regular  safety talks,
                                                            notice board bulletins and messaging
                                                            platforms like WhatsApp. At our SDS
                                                            refinery, daily safety patrols and inspections
                                                            are conducted.

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