Page 18 - APICAL_SR2020
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SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06
                                                                    Our Approach to Sustainability

          OUR APPROACH

          Corporate Governance                      We also have dedicated Sustainability teams based
          102-18, 102-19, 102-20, 103-2, 103-3      in Kuala Lumpur, Pekanbaru, Medan, Jakarta,
                                                    Balikpapan and Dumai. The Sustainability teams
          The Apical Board of Directors (BoD) is the   are tasked with implementing and monitoring our
          highest governing body responsible for driving   commitments.
          the group’s direction towards sustainable  growth.
          The BoD and President, supported by the senior   In addition to these teams, a dedicated Social,
          management  team,  are  tasked with  strategic   Security and  Licensing (SSL) department  is
          and operational implementation; embedding the   established at each of the refineries that we
          company’s core values driving key initiatives;   own  to  handle  social  and  licensing  matters
          making investment and divestment decisions; and   according to national regulations and our group’s
          managing risks. Sustainability topics are discussed   Sustainability Policy. The SSL team also looks
          at Board meetings which are held twice a year.     after Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
          The President, supported by the Executive Director,   programmes which aims to improve livelihoods
          Head of Sustainability and various business heads,   in local  communities.  The various  teams and  the
          ensures sustainability is integrated into the various   Head of Sustainability meets at least once a
          roles within business and functional units.   month to review performance on sustainability
                                                    commitments and identify areas of improvement.

          Governance Structure


                                Executive Director   Grievance Committee

                              Head of Sustainability                   Commercial    BUs

            Stakeholder   Sustainability   Programmes/    Sustainability          Sustainability
           Engagement  Communication  Initiatives  Certification  (Indonesia Team)  UCO/W&R  (Operations)
          • Customers  • Annual Sustainability   • SMILE  Supplier Engagement
          • Bank & financial   Report (in accordance   • SUSTAIN  Anchor Programmes
           istitutions  with GRI)                        • MPP
          • Multi-stakeholder   • Apical progress        • PSEP
           group       dashboaed                         • TOP
          • Civil society group  • SPOTT                 • SVP/eSVP
                      • CDP                              • SFA
                      • RSPO ACOP                        • Verification
                                                         • Satellite monitoring
          • Apical supplier
           engagement &
           grievance protocol  Grievance Verification Team
          • Grievance alerts/                                           Legend:
           whistle blowers
          • Satellite monitoring                                        ¢ Sustainability Functions
                                                                        ¢ Special-/Cross-functional
                                                                        ¢ Other BUs/DEPT

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