Page 19 - APICAL_SR2020
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07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP

                Ethics and Compliance                         Grievance Procedure
                102-16, 102-17, 103-2, 103-3, 205-3, 307-1, 419-1  102-17, 103-2, 103-3
                Apical is committed to conducting all business   Apical has  set up  a robust  grievance
                activities with integrity and in accordance with   handling process for all stakeholders to
                strict legal and ethical standards. As a member   raise  concerns  related  to  our business
                of RGE Group, all BoD members and Apical      or our supplier’s practices. This helps
                employees must adhere to the RGE Global Code   to ensure that the standards set out
                of Conduct (RGE Code). The RGE Code provides   in our policies are being adhered to.
                guidance on how employees should behave       All grievances raised are dealt with in a
                in line with our Core values. The RGE Code is   transparent  and  accountable  manner.
                disseminated as part of our new hire orientation   The  grievance  process  is  managed  and
                programme. The RGE Code provides guidance     implemented by our Grievance Steering
                on how employees should behave in line with     Committee (GSC), Grievance Secretariat,
                our values.                                   Stakeholder Engagement Team and
                                                              Verification Team.
                All employees at Apical has a responsibility to
                report  illegal, irregular, dangerous or unethical   The Apical Grievance Procedure covers
                activities, which are in breach of the RGE Code   all activities related to the management
                and related policies, without the risk of reprisal.   of stakeholders’ concerns. Our grievance
                Employees should communicate issues to        process includes a whistleblowing channel
                their reporting manager or a Human Resource   and a Grievance Alert System that
                representative as a first point of contact. For   delivers prompt notifications on matters
                more severe cases, employees are encouraged   raised against Apical or our suppliers.
                to contact the Internal Audit Confidential Hotline.  Our process of dealing with a grievance
                                                              is illustrated  in the diagram on the
                Apical complies with the various tax systems in   following page with further details
                the jurisdictions where we operate. The Group   available online.
                conducts monthly tax reviews to ensure all key tax
                positions such as transfer pricing, cross border   In 2020, there were six grievances raised
                transactions, tax compliance and tax-planning   against our suppliers. These grievances
                decisions are taken. Key decision making for   were related to sourcing from protected
                tax matters are undertaken collectively between   areas and clearing of forest. Details of
                the Group and the corporate office tax team to   the grievances raised is available on our
                ensure checks and balances.                   website. In addition to grievances tracked
                                                              at a group-level, each refinery also has
                In 2020, there were no cases of breach of the   their own grievance management process.
                RGE Code, including corruption. There were also   Grievances handled at the operational
                no significant fines and non-monetary sanctions   level are not covered in this report.
                for non-compliance with laws and regulations in
                the environmental, social and economic area.

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