Page 60 - APICAL_SR2020
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SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06


              Community Investment
              Apical invests in a variety of programmes to improve the living standards and well-being of
              local communities in areas where we operate. These programmes are decided through active
              dialogue and engagement with the communities to identify their needs, and include the provision
              of basic infrastructure and access to key services like healthcare and education.

          Selected initiatives in 2020
          Our SDS refinery invested in the construction of a   vaccination for babies, as well as nutrition to babies
          bathroom at Al A’la Mosque, the biggest mosque in   and mothers.
          Sungai Sembilan sub-district, as well as repaired a
          150-metre road used by locals from 30 households.   Our AAJ TB refinery financed the building of a
                                                    mosque - Musholla Al Amin – which is located
          The RGE Founder’s Day 2020 was commemorated   close to the plant. We also provided basic food aid
          globally in November to December 2020. As part of   to underprivileged individuals and orphans.
          the  special occasion, we financed the refurbishment
          of Posyandu Suka Bumi, an integrated healthcare   Our CSR activities were also extended to
          centre, on top of providing 20 plastic chairs.   communities in KBN and Kelurahan Cilincing areas.
          This facility is used by 660 households and   For example, our team in Marunda provided food
          provides services such as weight assessment and   aid to fire victims in Kalibaru.

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