Page 61 - APICAL_SR2020
P. 61

07  08   09  10  11  12   13                                        APICAL GROUP
                       Community Livelihood

            Supporting local communities amidst
            COVID-19 pandemic

            The COVID-19 pandemic has affected people from
            all walks of life. Apical continues to support our
            local  communities during  this  crisis  by  assessing
            the needs and challenges the communities face.
            Since the coronavirus outbreak, our operations   pandemic in Gaung, Kelurahan Gates Nan in May
            were engaged in prevention and awareness   2020. In September 2020, we distributed PPE such
            campaigns   for  the   local  communities.   as hazmat suits, hand sanitiser and facemasks to
            We distributed  facemasks, hand  sanitiser  and   the Padang Government.
            soap, as well as COVID-19 guidebooks to local
            communities  in Kamp. Pitung and  conducted   At SDS, our team donated PPE which included
            disinfection fumigation at Kel.Kalibaru in Cilincing.   3,000 medical grade masks, 3,000 medical grade
                                                       gloves, 225 pieces of hazmat suits, and 30 pieces
            Although our refinery in PRC only began operations   of ICU protective suits to the Dumai regional public
            in 2020, the team also partook in activities in the fight   hospital. These donations were in support of
            against COVID-19. This included the distribution   medical  frontline  workers  who  continue  to  play  a
            of food packages to communities affected by the   vital role in fighting the spread of the pandemic.

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