Page 68 - APICAL_SR2020
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SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020                          01   02  03  04  05   06


          Material Issues                                                          Priority
          Waste management:                                                        Moderate
          Ensuring safe and sustainable management and disposal of waste

          Water management:                                                        Moderate
          Minimising water pollution and maximising water efficiency in our operations through
          the use of best practice management systems

          High priority issues: Issues that are of high relevance to the business as well as high impact on society and the
          environment. They form the focus of our sustainability efforts and communication.
          Moderate priority issues: Issues that are of ongoing importance to Apical and of medium concern to stakeholders.
          We actively manage and report on these issues as appropriate.

          Stakeholder Engagement
          102-21, 102-40, 102-42, 102-43, 102-44

          The sustainability issues facing the palm oil industry are often complex and multi-faceted. Engaging with our
          key stakeholders is important to help us achieve our sustainability goals and form long-term relationships
          based on trust and a willingness to collaborate.

          We engage with our stakeholders through multiple channels, promoting a two-way dialogue that enables
          us to gather feedback on how we can improve as well influence our stakeholders towards better practices.

          Our key stakeholders have been identified based on their knowledge, relevance, and impacts to Apical.
          Our major stakeholder engagement efforts for 2020 are summarised in the table below.

           Stakeholder   Engagement Method     Topics & Concerns
           Group         & Frequency           Raised                 Apical’s Response

           Customers &   •  One-on-one         •  Apical’s sustainability   •  Engaged with at least 15
           Consumers      communication (periodic)  commitments, initiatives   major customers mainly
                         •  Conference calls (regularly)  and progress to achieve   on requests for traceability
                         •  Sustainability Report   policy commitments  information, inquiries on
                          (annually)           •  Traceability update   grievance matters related
                         •  Presentations and    and customer data      to our supply chain
                          meetings (ad hoc)      requirements           and information on our
                         •  Apical Website (ad hoc)  •  Grievances on Apical’s   sustainability initiatives.
                         •  Apical Sustainability   operations and/or suppliers  Customers now have
                          Dashboard (ad hoc)   •  Partnerships and      a better understanding
                         •  Survey (periodically)  collaborations on joint   of our sustainability
                         •  Materiality assessment   community/conservation   progress, challenges and
                          (every 2-3 years)      projects               achievements
                         •  Consumer Focus Group   •  Service improvements for   •  Embarked on new
                          Discussions            customers              partnerships including

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